We're back to normal. And it's feeling good.

Club members met again at our monthly meeting on 11th October. Our speaker at the meeting was Liz Downs, from the charity Canine Partners. Her subject was Amazing Dogs, Transforming Lives. 

Liz explained how dogs (mainly Labrador Retriever puppies) are selected and trained in centres operated by the charity, then partnered with people with disabilities. The partnerships enable the people concerned to live a more normal life.

Liz showed videos of the dogs in action and club members were amazed by their versatility; picking items up, opening doors, operating controls, removing clothing and loading and unloading washing machines, to name but a few.  

We are now looking forward to our annual Quiz Night at South Lawn on the 20th October, when members and their guests will compete for prizes, under the direction of Quizmaster Peter Melville

The speaker at our November meeting is to be Rosemary Legrand and her subject Spring in Japan.

Our Annual Dinner is to be held at South Lawn on 20th November, with entertainment provided by pianist Mark Bussel, plus the tribute group The Two Beatles, returning this year by popular demand.

We shall be announcing our 2022 programme of monthly meetings and social events in the near future. This will feature a number of new speakers with talks covering subjects ranging from adventure to conservation, personal finance to our use of language, plus explosive demolition for good measure.

And its only 11 weeks to Christmas!