Welcome to The Lentune Probus Club

Lentune Probus Club was formed in September 1978, to provide retired Professionals and Businessmen in Lymington and the New Forest area, with opportunities to meet and enjoy the company of like-minded people. 

We also have an active Lentune Probus Ladies Club for our wives, partners, widows and friends.

Members meet in the Pavilion at South Lawn Hotel, Milford on Sea, on the second Monday of each month (except August) for a convivial coffee, an interesting talk on a variety of topics, followed by a drink at the bar and lunch. 

The Lentune Probus Ladies meet on the first Wednesday of each month (except August), also at South Lawn, when they too enjoy coffee on arrival from 10.00am, followed by a talk and lunch. 

In addition to these monthly meetings, we organise a varied programme of enjoyable, attractively priced social events, throughout the year, attended by the members of both clubs. These typically include guided walks, boules and skittles competitions, quizzes, lunches, day trips, an annual dinner with entertainment, and club holidays, including mini-cruises.

Our Club is autonomous, non-political, non-sectarian, non-profit making and inclusive. It is run by members for members, and our meetings are light-hearted and good-humoured.

Annual membership costs £37.50 (Ladies £35.00) plus the cost of attending meetings and participating in social events. 

We always welcome new members who want to meet and enjoy the company of active, like-minded people, living life in retirement to the full. Please contact us if you are interested in joining our Club or would like further information.  

Breaking News

The Origins of WW1?

Tuesday, 9th July 2024

At our July meeting at South Lawn Hotel, Lentune Probus Club members enjoyed a fascinating and detailed description of events leading up to the Franco...

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Georgian Southampton

Wednesday, 3rd July 2024

From its origins as a Stone Age settlement and as a port in Roman times, Southampton has grown into the city and major passenger port we now know. In ...

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Men in Retirement

Monday, 24th June 2024

Most of us aim to retire eventually. Some retire early to create opportunities for younger employees, others less fortunate are forced into early reti...

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Lentune Probus Club

9th September
The International Space Station
Bill Coombes
14th October
Operation Husky - Allied Invasion of Italy
David Bickerton
11th November
The History of the Motor Car
John Ellis
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Lentune Probus Ladies Club

4th September
The Experimental Housekeeping of Jane Austen's Good Friend Martha Lloyd
Jane Glennie
2nd October
DIET is a Four Letter Word
Alan Jones
6th November
Women of the Raj
Brian Freeland
View Full Programme

Social Events

We consult with members regularly, to ensure we deliver a programme of social events that meets their needs and, hopefully, exceeds their expectations.   

These are our social events in the near future: 

9th August
Summer Luncheon
Derek Bray
21st August
An Afternoon of Croquet
Peter Melville
9th October
Lymington Afloat - St Barbe Exhibition
Mac Hall
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