
The Lentune Probus Club and Lentune Probus Ladies Club meet in the Cornwallis Suite at South Lawn Hotel, Milford on Sea.

Lentune Probus Club meets on the second Monday of each month except August, the Ladies on the first Wednesday of each month except August.

In both instances, members arrive from 10.00 am for a coffee and chat, which is followed by a talk on a wide variety of interesting topics. 

Our meetings conclude with a drink at the bar and an excellent, convivial two course lunch, selected from a menu that varies each month.

This is our full-year programme of meetings in 2024:

Lentune Probus Club

8th January
The Corner Shop Killings
Paul Stickler
12th February
Ghosts, Royals and Ferrymen
Brian Margetson
11th March
Gen. James Wolfe - Battle for Quebec
Philip St Lawrence
8th April
The Birth of the Motor Car
John Ellis
13th May
Send a Gunboat
Kevin Patience
10th June
Somebody like you
Alan Jones
8th July
Franco Prussian War - Battle of Sedan
James Porter
9th September
The International Space Station
Bill Coombes
14th October
Operation Husky - Allied Invasion of Italy
David Bickerton
11th November
The History of the Motor Car
John Ellis
9th December
AGM and Christmas Festive Lunch

Lentune Probus Ladies

3rd January
Coco Chanel
Steve Herra
7th February
From Lisbon to London, New York to the Caribbean: Edward Wallis and NAZI liaison
Phillip St Lawrence
6th March
Adventures of a Lady Rally Driver
Bron Burrell
3rd April
"Windows" and "Nice" women - a romp through the history of the English language
Emma Jolly
1st May
Mr Selfridge
Steve Roberts
5th June
We Had One of Those
Stephen Hoadley
3rd July
Georgian Southampton: The Age of Spas, Stagecoaches and Highwaymen
Andrew Skinner
4th September
The Experimental Housekeeping of Jane Austen's Good Friend Martha Lloyd
Jane Glennie
2nd October
DIET is a Four Letter Word
Alan Jones
6th November
Women of the Raj
Brian Freeland
4th December
AGM and Christmas Festive Lunch