Lentune Probus Club

Report of the talk 3 April 2023

Alcohol Considered 

Dr Charles Rees gave us an extremely interesting and well researched talk mainly banishing the myths surrounding the “harmful” effects of consuming even reasonable amounts of alcohol, as promulgated by various health authorities and experts. Indeed he contended that moderate consumption of wine and beer can have a distinctly benign effect beyond that of simply making us feel more cheerful.

His talk revealed how statistics can be, and are, manipulated for no apparent reason other than perhaps to make us all feel guilty whilst enjoying our favourite tipple in a sensible manner.

Those amongst us who have been known to partake of the “Demon” drink on occasion left the meeting feeling greatly reassured and much cheered up.


Lentune Probus Ladies' Club

Report of the talk 5 April 2023

Lentune Ladies Probus had a fascinating talk by Neil Meldrum, entitled 'Ancient China'. 

Neil’s knowledge of his subject was extensive, and the audience was fascinated by a subject few of us were familiar with. He ranged over 5,000 years of history and began by showing us a map explaining the importance of the two main rivers – the Yellow River and the Yangtze. We saw reconstructions of underground dwellings, built so that people were more comfortable in extremes of heat and cold, and photos of the famous Terracotta Warriors.  Neil described the belief of the creation of the world from a giant egg, and some thoughts of Confucius. He went on to explain yin and yang – yin being the sky and male and yang being the earth and female.  A trip into Chinese history where we might not remember names, but we certainly had a good feel of what it was all about!

The talk was followed by lunch and a chance to chat with friends. There were a number of guests who were made very welcome. 


Senior Flexonics LPE Visit

Having often wondered just what went on behind the facade of the Senior Flextronics LPE factory as they drive along Gosport Street in Lymington, on 5th April a party of our members were treated to a unique insight into the workings of our largest local employer. Through contact with our member David Codling, they were invited by John Rowland , LPE’s Managing Director, to be given an introduction to the workings of the Senior Group, and more particularly, the more local division of Lymington Precision Engineering. This was followed by a full factory tour, and a lunch where any resulting questions were answered.

It was discovered that majority of the members on the visit came from engineering backgrounds, and had, therefore, what they generally thought was a good understanding of just how precision machined parts were produced. How wrong and out of date they were! LPE, with a factory that is much larger than it would appear from its road frontage, are right up to date with the latest computer-controlled equipment. It was discovered that they have their site filled with production units that are that are far more technically advanced than anyone had previously seen, and members were astounded at the complexity of the components consequently produced!

This was a visit that couldn’t have been better as a public relations exercise for LPE, and as far as our Lentune Probus members were concerned, they all left the factory agreeing that Lymington is lucky to have such a forward-looking local manufacturer that even gives a number of our youngsters a chance of joining them as one of their annual intake of new Apprentices.


Exbury Gardens 

Report of the Exbury Gardens walk 26  April 2023 - see May Happenings next month