Lentune Probus Club hopes all visitors to our website are healthy and safe at this difficult time and that you are coping well with any anxiety and stress caused by social isolation.

Since reluctantly cancelling most club activities until August, our Club Committee has continued to meet, using video conferencing, to decide what the Club will do to sustain and strengthen fellowship amongst members, in the coming months.

This is what we have decided to do:

  • A bulletin containing news of members, the club’s finances and forthcoming meetings and social events, will be published each month in the Members Area of this website. The object is to keep members informed of current events and future plans, during the period they are unable to attend club meetings.
  • A database of reliable local suppliers with a delivery service is currently being finalised, to help members unable to go out to the shops. This will be updated continually, with input from members.
  • Finally, we are encouraging our members to write about where they live, their hobbies and interests and how they are coping with self-isolation. Their articles will be published either here in Breaking News, or in the restricted Members Area of our website, commencing in the near future.

So watch this space and stay positive, safe and well.