(an evening of food, drink and mental stimulation, with prizes to die for)


 WEDNESDAY 21st OCTOBER AT 6.00 FOR 6.30pm

Inclusive cost: £14.50 per person

This is a team competition. Teams may comprise up to six persons, including club members, wives/partners and friends. Larger teams will carry a heavy points penalty per extra person. 

Unattached quizzers will be very welcome and will be added to an existing team or assigned to a dedicated team, on the night.

Bookings to attend the Quiz-Nite should be made via the Members Area on the Club website. Members should add their spouse/partner and friends to their booking form, as guests.

Each team should decide on a Team Name in advance of the Quiz-Nite. The Team name must be quoted in the Seating Preferences Box on each booking form.  

Supper orders should also be submitted using the booking form.  

Payment should be made by cheque, payable to Lentune Probus Club, sent to the organiser David Bayliss, to arrive no later than 12th October.  

Further information may be obtained from David Bayliss, at 8 Oaksmead, 7 Copse Road, New Milton, BH25 6ES (Tel: 01425 638154).