Monday 11th April 2022

South Lawn Hotel, Lymington Road, Milford on Sea, SO41 0RF

Too many families find themselves dealing with elderly parents, close relatives or close friends, who have lost their mental capacity to manage their financial affairs. And many who attempt to assist find themselves virtually powerless to ensure their loved ones affairs are managed as they would really wish.

Without a Lasting Power of Attorney drawn up and registered in advance, bank accounts can be frozen and loved ones health and care can be left totally up to the authorities.

Drawing up a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) agreement appropriate to our circumstances will enable named persons to immediately manage our financial affairs and care arrangements as we would wish, should it become necessary.

Until September 2007 provision could be made to manage a loved one’s affairs under an Enduring Power of Attorney (EPA). However, EPAs cannot be changed to reflect new circumstances, may not provide for both finance and care, and can only be registered by our attorney when we have lost our mental capacity. In addition, the registration process can take 10-12 weeks.

Lasting Power of Attorney agreements were introduced to overcome these disadvantages. They can be registered ready for immediate use, cover finances and care, and can be adapted to suit our changing circumstances as required.

Our speaker in April next year will represent LPA Made Simple, the organisation recommended by Age UK, which specialises in drawing up and registering LPA agreements nationwide.

If any Lentune Probus Club member wishes to consider drawing up an LPA in advance of our April meeting, you can find out more about LPAs and the services provided by LPA Made Simple here.